Soldier Nervously Awaits To Reunite With His Dog And Is Filled With Joy When He Sees Her Run Towards Him

Quiz, Video by Polls on December 3, 2016

After serving her country on two deployments, yellow Labrador “Tay-Tay” and “Princes Taylor,” had to retire. She was so good at her job protecting fellow soldiers that the Taliban had a bounty on her head. One particular soldier, Sgt. Tom Hanson, formed a special bond with her, while she was protecting him.

When military dogs complete their service, they are usually put up for adoption. Soldiers who had worked with them, usually get the chance to adopt them. However, these types of reunions are extremely costly, and as a result, it’s difficult to make them a reality — and that’s where Molli Oliver comes in.

Molli’s true passion is reuniting military men and women with the dogs they served with. Despite having a full time job as a flight attendant, she dedicated her time and her own pocket money, to fly military dogs home so that their soldiers can adopt them and give them forever homes. And in the video below, Sgt. Hanson anxiously awaits Taylor’s arrival so he can do exactly that.

“Where’s Daddy?” Molli says to Taylor on the plane. “We’re gonna go find him!” Their emotional reunion will make your day!

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