A Teacher Asks A Question About The Human Body. One Student’s Response? HILARIOUS!

Quiz by Polls on April 14, 2018

A teacher asked her 6th grade class: “Who can tell me, which human organ becomes 10 times bigger when it’s stimulated?”

Maria stood up, bright red and angry, and said “How can you ask such a question? I’m telling my parents and they’re going to get you fired!”

The teacher was shocked by the outburst, but decided to ignore it. She asked the class again, “Who can tell me, which human organ becomes 10 times bigger when it’s stimulated?”

This time Thomas responded, “The answer is the iris in the human eye.”

“Very good, Thomas. Thank you,” replied the teacher who then turned her gaze on Maria.

“Maria, I need to tell you three things. First, you obviously have not done your homework. Second, you have a dirty mind. And third, I fear that one day you will be very, very disappointed.”

(via Hefty)

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